To Be or Not to Be…The Smart Side

Good day, America. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday (Valentine’s Day), I want to approach a topic that has captured my interest for some time. A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I got into an argument. Simply put, we clashed over whether it is better to be pretty or better to be smart.

I argued that you can get further with intelligence than with physical beauty. She argued the opposite, and I have invited her to write her argument for the blog so keep reading for that.

Okay. I know. I know. Some of you are shouting at your computer screen, “By golly she’s right!” Others of you are shouting, “girl please…you’re crazy!” Well, hear me out. By the way, I am well of aware that it is advantageous to possess both qualities, but if I had to choose one or the other, I would choose to be smart. My argument is simple: smart can get pretty, but pretty can’t necessarily get smart.

Intelligence can take you places people. In my experience, having “smarts” leads to a more financially stable life. You can get promoted faster because you’re simply better at what you do than your peers. And when you earn more money, you can get a makeover. Seriously, it’s true.

On the other side of the spectrum, I will admit, if you’re pretty and dumb as a bag of rocks, you can be financially stable too. Let’s face it; in the world we live in, physical beauty can lead to some serious cash flow. The real issue is staying power. I hate to be cliché but beauty fades.

Now, it may seem wrong to cite examples, but I want you to know where I’m coming from. Oprah. Yea, I said it. Let’s be real. When she first came on the scene, she was not particularly attractive, at least not to me. But the lady is dog gone smart. I’m pretty sure nobody will deny that, and because of her intelligence and business acumen, she is on top of the world…and she doesn’t look half bad these days either. I could cite more examples, but I won’t go there.

But hey, this is America, right? Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I have made my perspective clear, but I would like to know yours.

I’m ready. Have at it.

~ by micheledb on February 13, 2009.

2 Responses to “To Be or Not to Be…The Smart Side”

  1. I personally value my intelligence much more than if i were attractive. I know in my case using my brain has kept me out of a lot of trouble, not to mention open doors that have kept me from being a general failure in life. As a male, attractiveness is pretty complex so it matters less. As far as females, i must admit, if im not attracted to you i probably won’t approach you, at least initially. Often is the case a female need a second look, which is not fault of her own. On the other hand, a very pretty female can mess things up by not using her head.

  2. Nerds rock!

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