What’s Love Got To Do With It?

First, I would like to apologize to my 2 or 3 avid readers for my neglect of the blog lately. Alright, let’s get down to business.

If you have been following news in the entertainment world lately, you might already know what today’s topic will be. Yes, you got it. Entertainment news outlets are reporting that Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together.  In the past, I have declined to blog about this topic because, let’s face it, everybody else already was, and I still don’t want to talk about the actual incident. I want to ask a question: put in Rihanna’s situation, would you go back to Chris Brown? How far is too far when it comes to sticking by your man?

Now, I know, I know. They are in love and he’s sorry and all that jazz. Now that we’ve gotten those minor details out of the way, I will answer present my case.

Considering the pictures that have been released showing the blood in the car and the damage to Rihanna’s face, I can say with wavering confidence that I could not go back to him. Why wavering confidence? I’m glad you asked. I know what it is to be in love, and I know how blind it can make you. However, I think my fear would overpower my love. Let’s be real; domestic violence usually is not a one-time thing. Assuming that the pictures are authentic and the information that has been released is true, he didn’t just grab her and shake her up a little bit. In all honesty, I could get over that. No, he slapped her around, and statistics would suggest this will not be the last time.

At the end of the day, I guess it’s unfortunate for Rihanna that she had to go through this in the spotlight. She is not different from many women. Most women would go back to the man that they love.

What would you do?

~ by micheledb on March 5, 2009.

2 Responses to “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”

  1. A MAN would never hit his woman. Yea he might shake her lil bit and yell. Maybe even hit her with a pillow….but never should he ball his fist up with the intention to hurt her.

  2. “chris brown” is completely correct. The singer is not a man, not yet, but these are mistakes you can do nothing but learn from. I’m definetely not going to label either as the victim in this case since im not sure if Rihanna brought that situation on herself. As much as a man should never lay his hands malevolently on a female, a lady should respect her man. Having said all of this, i dissagree with their make-up as well. Neither of the two are mature enough to handle it

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