Black Entertainment Television Must Die

And people wonder why I hate BET…

I know it’s been a long time America, but I had to come out of my semi-retirement as a blogger to say my piece about the BET awards.

Wow. Can you say train wreck?

In the wake of Michael Jackson’s sudden death, BET tried to revamp its award show to be a tribute to the late King of Pop. What ensued was a shabby, poorly scripted three and a half hours of television. It was nothing short of a mess…and I’m being nice.

What I don’t understand is why BET can’t ever seem to provide a show with even an inkling of decent production value. Can someone explain this to me? The MTV awards always seem to go off without a hitch, and both channels are owned by media mega-company Viacom.  What is the problem?

For those of you who were lucky enough to miss it, I’ll recap.

I don’t think I have enough time or space to individually name all of the awful moments of the 2009 BET Awards, but some notable screw ups include:

1) The awkward pause as Jamie Foxx asked the production crew if they were on the air

2) Trey Songz’s lack of ability to read

3) Zoe Saldana telling the nation (or at least the part of the nation that watched this mess) that her co-presenter was in the ladies room

4)  BET’s arbitrary decisions to name nominees for some categories and not for others

5) Jamie Foxx’s many attempts to pump up a generally unenthusiastic audience

And trust me there were many more.

In my mind, the bottom line is this: Michael Jackson was a perfectionist. Dead or alive, I don’t think he would appreciate anything put together this badly in his name.

A short tribute video would have been sufficient BET. If you are going to do something, do it right.

That is all.

~ by micheledb on June 29, 2009.

4 Responses to “Black Entertainment Television Must Die”

  1. Yup….It was nice of them to come up with all that they did within 2 days but those parts were you mentioned and others were very poorly performed. And I believe that even if there was no tribute that that stuff would have still happened lol… R.I.P MJ

  2. Not sure if I share all your disdain for BET and the awards, but definitely feel where you’re coming from. Overall, I called it a “scary” show. Here’s why:

  3. watch you say about BET or mistress evil will get big nigga and crazy bitch after you lol

  4. Please don’t forget…

    – the poorly directed awkward transitions or poor direction in general

    – the idiot who could not seem to press the censor button in time, even though they were on TIME DELAY!

    – the host introducing presenters who introduced more presenters……………….

    Hey, if BET paid you a million dollar salary, would you work there??

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